There are two Important things to keep in mind:-
Container Will always launch from the Image
Whatever is inside the image, will also be in the container.
There are three ways of Configuration Management:-
Pre-Backed or Custom
In the Manual, we Create the container from the image by ourselves, completely human & it takes so much time.
In Automation We have two ways:-
What to do
How to do
eg. Shell Scripting
Only What to do
eg. Ansible
In Pre-Backed or custom images we have:-
Commit ( Looks Like Manual Way )
Dockerfile ( It is Automated Way )
Challenges in both Manual & Automation:-
- Installing Software & Libraries will take so much time.
Why We Need Custom Docker Images:-
If we want the same configurations in a container again & again
We want to save the time
Where you see a pattern
Custom Images:-
Step 1:- Create a container
docker run -it --name=cos1 redhat/ubi8
Step 2:- Install things you want in your image
yum install net-tools -y
yum install python39
Step 3:- Commit that container to a custom image, with this format
docker commit “container in which you did configurations” “New image name which you want to create”:version or tag
docker commit cos1 abc:v1
Step 4:- Run a container from that image
docker run -it abc:v1
In this container, we will be having Python & ifconfig commands pre-installed.
Disadvantages of Commit:-
It Is Manual.
The image will be updated in the future, so again we have to do everything from scratch
In the future, we want the latest version of Python ( py 3.5 → py3.9 )
You Should Know the requirement
You Should know how to solve it ( The Steps )
Create Custom images in an automated way.
Now Repeating The same steps of commit:-
Step 1:- Mention from which image you want to run the container
FROM redhat/ubi8
# docker run -it redhat/ubi8
Step 2:- Install Things you want in your Custom Image
RUN yum install python39
RUN pip3 install flask
Step 3:- Change the Working Directory ( all code will be stored & run in this folder )
Step 4:- Copy the program file from the docker host to the image or from the source to the destination
COPY /code/
# and Dockerfile should be in same folder or you define the path of
# /code is already defined in WORKDIR, that's why we write only /
Step 5:- Run the file inside the container.
CMD ["python3", ""]
# ["executable", "param1", "param2"..]
Now Save & Exit, and Dockerfile is created & you can create an image from this file with your desired configurations.
This is the Final Dockerfile:-
FROM redhat/ubi8
RUN yum install python39 -y
RUN pip3 install flask
CMD ["python3", ""]
Run the Dockerfile:-
docker build -t lwxyz:v1 .
# -t=target #lwxyz:v1=image name you want to give
# . means the location of folder where the Dockerfile is
You have to use the non-interactive command in Dockerfile if you want Automation.
RUN command runs at Buildtime & CMD Command runs at Runtime, What does that mean?
Whatever You want to put inside the image like configurations, code, and settings, use the RUN command,
Whatever you want to put inside the container, The commands you want to run automatically after the container launch. Then use the CMD command.
We can’t run more than one CMD command in one Dockerfile, because we follow 1 O.S for one App
If We write 2 CMD then CMD’2 will overwrite the CMD’1 & CMD’1 will not run only 2 will.